Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What's the Soup of the Day?

Spicy Chicken Fideo Soup
I really wanted to make soup because I haven't yet out of this book. I think to make soup you have to be in the mood for it and it should be cold out. It was the first days of november when I made this but I had to work. I knew my family was getting together for dinner so I was nice enough to make it and they were nice enough to be my ginea pigs.
I never had to make soup in this way before. First off I had to double the recipe and I thought that would be difficult considering I really love to bake and it's always hard to double baking recipes. Anyway, I had to make the pasta golden brown on the stove in oil before adding it to the soup. I'm not sure what that does...
I've learned when making soup with any type of pasta you shouldn't add the pasta until you serve each portion. This helps the pasta to not over-cook when re-heating and the pasta is less likely to absorb all of the liquid in the pot.
The avocado, fresh cilantro and Monterey Jack cheese were a nice touch to each dish when serving.
This was a hit dish for the family. They loved it!! I was so excited to hear this and they even wanted the recipe.

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